Your most frequently asked questions

Do you serve specific geographies?

We are Canadian based primarily serving organizations here in Canada and the United States. On occasion we have taken on clients in based in Europe, however, this isn't the norm. We have partner consultancies we could recommend you to if you're in Europe, ANZ or Africa. The only other way we've ended up outside of North America is when we've taken on organizations American or Canadian companies that are have a global footprint.

What's your service delivery model?

We have a hybrid delivery model of Remote via video conference or In-Person at your offices or other specified work location. We do not deliver any engagements In-Person at our offices.

I don't see what I need help with listed on your services page!

Get in touch and let's talk! if it's Workforce Management related there's a good chance we can help you or know someone that can if it is outside of our domain and capabilities.

Quotes & Pricing
How do you price your services

We prefer offering fixed prices for engagements, this way our clients know exactly what they are going to spend on an engagement. No change-orders! Pricing exceptions may be made for public sector customers whose procurement policies require hourly rate quotes.

How quickly could you submit a price quote or project proposal

24-48 hours after speaking with the project's sponsor or economic buyer.

Other major T&C's

Payment in full is required prior to engagement start and money-back guaranteed if you're not fully satisfied with our services. We always aim to please!

What Languages do offer your services in?

Only in English at the moment.

What's the fastest way to contact you?

Well, funny you should ask! just hit the button below and let's talk.

How can I contact you?

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.